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Spring on the ranch

Hard to believe after a day like yesterday (the highest I saw the temp was 57ยบโ€“but it felt oh so much warmer), that we are preparing for what forecasters are calling “the biggest storm of the season”. This cold winter has clung on for far too long. ALL of us here on the ranch thoroughly enjoyed the spring day.

We sold steers (waylaid a week by a storm) so Brady was gone most of the day meaning the kids and I were on calf duty. As soon as the kids jumped off the school bus, the boys and I headed out in the Ranger while Tricia saddled her horse. Jimmy tried his best to get stuck in the mud while Jake was in charge of writing the momma’s numbers down.

I snuck inside for a quick minute to begin preparing supper and was surprised to see our bottle calf run by my kitchen window! The kids thought she needed sunshine and exercise. They were right. We all needed the vitamin D therapy.

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