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Eli & Garrett |Miller Class of 2025 | Central South Dakota Senior Photographer

The “Batin boys” have been a fixture in our lives for a long time. I hardly remember a time when one or both Garrett and Eli weren’t discovering shenanigans with my son. As I drove to their place for their senior pictures, I was sad as I realized I hadn’t made that trip in several years since all the boys got their driver’s licenses. We kept putting off picture day, first for harvest, then, waiting on a good snow for great snowmobile photos. We finally decided we better get a few taken and be ready for another session when (if????) snow comes. So off I went on an unseasonably warm January day trailing behind them all the while chatting about everything from “the old days” to their future plans. Eli and Garrett have grown into wonderful young men but seeing their smiles and hearing them chuckle takes me right back to when they were little.. Enjoy the rest of your senior year, boys!!!

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